
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - Breaking Records

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - Breaking Records

today we have some big confirmations for the Samsung Galaxy default 5 with some of the good and some of it bad but let me know in the comments what you most want to see from the Galaxy Z fold 5. 

so first story of the day we've got news that we could see a huge Improvement to the Galaxy Z fold 5's IP rating to finally include dust resistance now its predecessor the z-fold 4 was ipx8 water resistant but according to Chan V on Twitter on top of the weight reduction.


*Samsung Galaxy

*Samsung S22

*Samsung Galaxy Z

Samsung is also adding dust resistance and we're hoping for an IP67 rating that we see on many other smartphones this is of course water and dust resistant Samsung are going to be adding the new water drop shaped hinge this allows. 

the device to also fall completely flat and it also allows it for a more durable display that's hopefully going to be dust resistant we've also got many reports saying there's no longer going to be a crease in the center of the display now even if this hinge isn't able to add dust resistance. 

but it can get rid of the crease then it's going to make it a big upgrade from the z-fold fall next up with unfortunately go got some disappointing news in terms of the Galaxy Z fold 5's camera system and it's not what we wanted to hear now watch Universe confirmed that the z-fold 5 will continue to use the same camera module. 

200 Megapixel HP 2

as its predecessor and this means it's impossible to use the new 200 megapixel HP 2 that we find in the s23 now to be honest this was always quite likely and there were only a couple of rumors that said we'd see the hp2 in the z-fold 5. 

we did however have high hopes to see something like the 108 megapixel hm3 sensor but according to Chan V on Twitter that's not going to be the case either he tweeted to say that the Galaxy z45 is going to have the same camera system as the s23 plus and the fold 4.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - Breaking Records

this is a 50 megapixel wide angle a 10 megapixel telephoto and a 12 megapixel Ultra wide of course with the Galaxy default 5 we're getting upgrades to the display and the hardware inside but for such a premium phone. 

I was expecting more from the camera system now of course this is just a league but Chan V has proved himself to be very reliable on many occasions but it's not good news to hear next up we've got news that Samsung have started the hinge testing on the new Galaxy default 5. 

they're going to be folding devices five days a week for a total of 200 000 folds and then another one for 300 000. the 200 000 folds is going to be for basic wear and tear test was the 300 000 is going to be to measure the peak limit but Samsung aims to retain 85 percent of its strength after 200 000 folds. 

now you may find this a bit strange when Oppo and honor both have foldable phones at capable of 400 000 folds but there is a big difference now the auto magic vs doesn't have any water resistance at all then the opposite find N2 is only Splash resistant. 

whereas even the default 4 can be fully submerged in water now I guess this is great if you need the water resistance and it's always safer to have but to be honest I wouldn't ever be submerging my fold underwater with all the latest news though it appears.

Samsung Are Focusing

Samsung are focusing on portability and durability rather than completely redesigning the phone now this is of course going to make for a great Galaxy default 5 but it won't give users much of a reason to upgrade from the fold form now of course these are still leaks.

at this point nothing's confirmed until it comes from Samsung themselves but as we get closer to launch things tend to be a lot more accurate now the phone is set to launch in August and we're still waiting on leaks for the pricing but as soon as any more news comes in I'm going to be sharing it straight away so make sure share this artical with your friends ok thank you.

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