
Best Oppo X6 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro Max

Best Oppo X6 Pro vs iPhone 14 Pro Max  

today we're gonna check out and compare everything to C does the real world usage actually match up to the specs this thing has a 5 000 milliamp hourbattery and it comes with a 100 watt charger which can charge to 100 three times faster and as far as wireless charging. 
it is more than three times faster compared to the iPhone and that is one thing I wish the iPhone did faster design wise the biggest standout is that massive camera bump 
if you think the iPhone sits high off the desk because of its camera bump look at this thing it is crazy and you can be careful with this thing. 
because it's literally shaving wood off of our desk let's go ahead and wipe that off but you guys can see how massive that is compared to the iPhone's already massive camera cut out.

now as far as looks I don't think this looks particularly bad I've seen way worse ones but I do like the iPhone's camera setup better you guys give me your opinion down below.
now that is because it has some massive cameras in here all three are 50 megapixel but we will talk about those in just a bit now one thing I do like is that the back has this nice satin kind of finish. 
it feels nice and premium and they also have a version that has leather on the back which is so cool and as far as the comfort and the hand it does feel Slimmer than the iPhone even though it's thicker. 
because of its curved Edge design the screen has quite a bit of a curve to it it has bigger bezels than I expected uh compared to a lot of other Android phones. 
the top and bottom is flat like the iPhone which means it can stand on your desk and I also noticed that the top actually has a speaker Grille as well. 
so we're going to compare the speaker quality in just a bit as for the displays this thing is very impressive it has a higher resolution 

than the iPhone it also has 120 hertz which makes it super smooth just like promotion and it goes all the way down to one Hertz just like the iPhone to save you battery life. 
now the iPhone has a shocking 2000 nit Peak brightness which is insane but the upper oh can actually do two thousand five hundred  which beats it out but that can sometimes be exaggerated.  
the good thing is it's sunny outside s let's
test it out surprisingly with the mostly white screen the iPhone gets Brighter Than This Oppo.  
then I switched to a mostly dark screen which typically helps out the Androids but no the iPhone was still brighter at 2 000 nits. 
now yes I did go through the settings I made sure everything's enabled for the maximum brightness and the interesting thing is 
indoors here now that uh we're limited
with the lighting the iPhone has dimmed down even if  be  we maxed it out.  
now the Oppo allows us to get brighter both for the full white screen and uh this one that has a lot less text so in order to get  the full 2500 nits. 
it's gonna have to be a very small section like with HDR video now watching this HDR video on YouTube.
the iPhone actually looks brighter and I'm not sure why because we are playing back at high resolution brightness is maxed out and as you can see as soon as I move the menu away it. 

gets dimmer for some reason now I lowered the display resolution and refresh rate thinking maybe that would help but no the iPhone is still playing. 

this back better you guys could see how much brighter those highlights are so maybe it has to be Dolby Vision specific or something else.

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