
How To Speed Up iphone 14 Pro Max - Optimize & Boost Iphone Performance

How To Speed Up iphone 14 Pro Max - Optimize & Boost Iphone Performance

hi welcome, here fahad butt in front of me iPhone 14 pro Max and now I can tell you in this artical, how to speed up your device. so cool, today I'm going to tell you, how to speed up iOS device and of course if your iOS device is new that it's probably working fine as it is but if your device is free or more years old then you probably need to take some steps to speed up your device.

*iphone 14 Pro Work Fast

*Apps On Your Device

*Visa Place

now I will tell you these steps so first of all you need to understand what is slowing down your device. one way or another is that amount of disk space that affects the performance of your device the most so of course people who have invested in a device with a lot of internal memory later encounters slowing down of its devices.

iphone 14 Pro Work Fast

the thing is that it's ordered for your device to always work fast you should try to always leave at least 30 percent of the storage free. now I will tell you how to find out what takes up the most memory and how to clear the memory. 

open the settings then select Main General then storage iPhone storage. here we can see how much memory has been used and how much free memory is left okay.

so here we have uh 250 gigabytes free. I have my phone in very very very conditioned so if you have only uh only I don't know 20 12 gigabytes free it it seems that you need to free up the space on your device.

Apps On Your Device

so if you notice here here you can see the apps on your device and here you can see how many space it contains it consumes of your memory so if you decide the application as is that you need that you don't need an app you can simply uninstall it from your device by clicking on two buttons for example you want to uninstall a revolution you.

you decide that you are not playing on this game or you don't like like this game just click on it click delete tab and click delete the app wait a while and great. I'll install application was successfully uninstalled but if you have an application that you are use very rarely. 

but sometimes you need it very much and you don't want to lose any data from it you can unload the application from your storage, this is the opportunity the iPhone gives you and when you want to use it again you can quickly download it and continue where you left off so for example the garage band 1.65 gigabytes it use.

so just click offload up as you can see this will free Up Storage used by the app but keeps its document documents and data reinstalling the app will brainstyle your data in the app is still available in the App Store so just click offload offload and as you can see now it use only 500 kilobytes not megabytes. 

How To Speed Up iphone 14 Pro Max - Optimize & Boost Iphone Performance

Visa Place

but only kilobytes on my storage as you can see I have this application here online settings but I need to reinstall it to use and I will use it Visa place from the place where I am left of this application. The Next Step you can take is to upload your photos and videos to the cloud storage. 

you can use iCloud or any other cloud storage. you like for example iCloud give you gives you five gigabytes of storage for free. you can buy 50 more but for just a dollar a month. you can expand your iCloud storage up to two terabytes in total but the more storage you want the more expensive.

the storage will be you can also use other cloud storage such as Google drive or Microsoft OneDrive or Mega Google provides 15 gigabytes for free and mega provides as much as 50. and the last step you can take to clean up the space and your devices to see if you have any unnecessary downloaded files to do this open the application files.

open files and here uh click browse and here on my iPhone here you will see all files on your iPhone and decide that you don't need these files just click and hold on this file and click remove I can't remove it wait what y oh okay ice I'm sorry if you have the folder you can't remove it.

or I can select select and remove I can't remove it I don't know why I can't remove it so I will try and remove the files from this from this folder. I want to remove it and now I want to remove that folder okay folder is empty.

I just need to remove all files from the folder okay. so just remove all unnecessary files from your from your files application and great now you can remove objects now you can remove all files you don't need anymore and the second spec aspect that can affect the performance of your system is full Ram, 

again the winners are those who have invested in advice with a lot of ram but unfortunately I can't give any recommendation to clean the RAM and mobile devices from Apple because a company doesn't allow third-party application to kill processes in Ram so you yourself need to get rid of applications that consume and abnormal amount of RAM on your device these are apps like I don't know Chrome tick tock messenger Maybe,

so well I hope I was able to help you free up space in your device and speed up your iPhone that's it thank you very much.

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