
Best iphone 14 vs iphone 13 Unboxing and Camera Test Comparison

Best iphone 14 vs iphone 13 Unboxing and Camera Test Comparison

what's up everybody this is Fahad Butt and today let's compare the iphone 13 to the brand new iphone 14. the iphone 13 and 14 look very similar. but there are some changes that you might want to know about and of course i'm going to give you that camera comparison. 

you've been waiting for to see if the iphone 14 camera is worth upgrading to but first the unboxing the biggest changes to the non-pro models is now there is a bigger iphone 14 plus so you get the same specs as the iphone 14 and you get a bigger display and a bigger battery for just 100 more.

so if you don't want to go pro this is a good choice but that is dropping next month. so i'll cover that when it's available so let's go ahead and start with all of the similarities you get the same size display at 6.1 inches with a 60 hertz refresh rate you get the a15 bionic on both. 

so it's plenty fast for anything that you need but i believe the 14 has the a15 bionic from the 13 pro models from last year so it's a little bit faster especially on the gpu the iphone 14 gets new sensors to enable the crash detection feature. 

calls emergency services

which automatically calls emergency services when it detects that you're in a car crash and you also get that neat satellite sos feature where if you're in a place with no cellular service you can point at the sky and send in emergency text. 

so i can see this saving some lives and this next difference might be controversial but in certain countries like the united states there is no longer a sim tray it will be all done electronically with esim and both of the cameras also get an upgrade. 

so we will get to that in just a second besides that you're essentially looking at a very similar phone and what's great is if you don't care about those new features apple will continue to sell the iphone 13 for a discount if you want the smallest iphone that you can buy you will need to get the iphone 13 mini for 599.

there is no iphone 14 mini this year looks like that has been discontinued this year so rip to the mini you will be missed ios 16 is there for both phones. so you will get all the improvements like the customizable lock screen.

the battery percentage come back the editable messages in imessage the haptic feedback on the keyboard and there are so many more features there are a ton i like but if you want me to do a long-term thing with ios 16. 

iphone 14 Cameras Worth Upgrading

i will definitely do that but i wanted to spend the bulk of this artical on the question that i know that you all have is the iphone 14 cameras worth upgrading to well let's find out right now. what i'm gonna do is see if the iphone 14 is worth upgrading to if you already have an iphone 13. so let's test these out in every condition and see what's improved.

so let's start with the daytime pictures and just as you would have guessed they both look extremely similar most flagship phones take excellent photos during the day so this is no different with the iphone 13 and the iphone 14 the iphone 13 was already great at daytime photos. 

Fantastic Dynamic Range

so nothing has changed fantastic dynamic range with lots of detail so the best way for me to describe the changes in the daylight are incremental while they might not be drastic you will notice some processing changes and color improvements. 

if you aren't looking close you won't see major differences that are instantly noticeable but take a look at here when you zoom in look at the difference in the detail pickup i'm assuming that this is from the new photonic engine that is used on the iphone 14 processing. 

i can imagine that improvements in detail will set in after use the iphone 14 for a while and you can see here in the road where the textures are more accentuated and i know this isn't something that is noticeable right away. 

but more detail is always something that i won't complain about in portrait mode pictures you can see that the blurred background is a little bit sharper with the similar amount of bokeh applied and the human subjects are also a tad more defined.

so in everyday pictures this is all about the fine details the better highlight control here on my wife's white dress the more natural approach when it comes to bright colors you can see that the bike color remains the same while the wall is more accurately captured. 

the best example can be shown like this since the iphone 13 or 14 doesn't have a telephoto when you push both of these phones to 5x digital zoom you can see just how much better. the iphone 14 is this shows you what the processing is doing with the new phone.

so that's very impressive in my opinion but i'm going to play devil's advocate here too if you're upgrading just for the camera alone for daytime shots you can see that most of the pictures look very similar you may even say that the less contrasty processing of the iphone 13 produces. 

some brighter pictures in some scenarios for those who like brighter skin tones might also like the iphone 13 better as well, so if you're happy with your iphone 13 camera and you shoot primarily during the day then you probably are good to stick with it for another year. 

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