
Galaxy S23 vs iphone 14 vs Pixel 7 - Camera Comparison Test

Galaxy S23 vs iphone 14 vs Pixel 7 - Camera Comparison Test

so one of the most common questions we get is if we can review the cameras of the base versions of the flagships. it kind of makes sense because they're much more affordable and not everyone wants an optical zoom camera alongside a huge screen. 

I do have one big issue regarding one of my favorite photography modes though and it concerns apple and their newest iPhone when the pixel 7 can do something visibly better at half the price that's when I start to question what is going on with the addition of the Galaxy s23. 

it's time to let the facts speak even though the sign says no photos we like to live on the edge so we took the risk it seems to have paid off for the pixel and the iPhone albeit with slightly different white balance values.

the Galaxy is lacking in detail compared to the other two though and I honestly don't think it's a small difference so they will drop a point in the first image the second one though is the Achilles heel of the pixel no sunlight equals darker photos not a huge fan of the Galaxy's, less detailed photo either.

so the iPhone will slowly gain a lead at the beginning of the comparison the third image is pretty Elementary it happens to be the entrance of Humboldt University in Berlin and it looks pretty nice overall on all the phones that's why I decided to pose in front of the gate in the fourth image because, 

I don't want to give out three points all day I will do it again for the pixel and the iPhone though as they look really similar in this one the Galaxy once again is lacking in detail slightly as my face looks too smooth and perfect to be true the next one is once again a general photo with a nice view of architecture. 

but this time the iPhone 14 actually brightened up the photo too much the green tones should be tuned down to capture the neutrality of nature but it is still overall a nice photo. so I'll just remove one point the Galaxy s23 on the other hand has bigger issues. 

they're all tied to the same thing. I've been repeating over and over again it reminds me of how I would have to lower the graphics quality of online games because my laptop wasn't good enough this would lead to things far away looking smooth. 

similar and that's what we're getting with the newest Samsung Flagship the pixel 7's photo is a good example of what we're looking for with accurate colors and great detail the sixth image actually looks fine on the side of the s23 it is slightly contrasty. 

but I like these kinds of photos for Instagram as long as the detail is there the other two are also good examples of similarly nice photos with the main difference being white balance the next image will also be three points across the board for all devices. 

Galaxy S23 vs iphone 14 vs Pixel 7 - Camera Comparison Test

I'm happy to see the pixel not unnecessarily darkening the photo when the weather is already cloudy as the last image is another very similar one between the pixel and the iPhone the galaxy has removed some textures from my face leaving them with two points for this. 

one well well well congratulations to Google and Apple for making it count in the main camera category Samsung won't be able to keep up as even though. I like Punchy and vibrant photos they need to work on not smoothing out facial features as much as they currently do.

alright so we just went through all the hite photos and it's not a surprise that these phones take amazing photos even though they are the base versions but now it's gonna get a little bit more tricky as ultrawide is next on the list.

let's see how well these cameras hold up the first image is at the train station I feel this is an ideal photo for everyone to see the saturation difference between the phones don't get me wrong I like all of them it's just a detail that I noticed. 

the second ultrawide image is where the pixel 7 along with the s23 will grab the three points the reason is typical better details in the shadows if you check out my black jacket the iPhone 14 has the least detail of them all but the photos overall not bad. 

so they'll still take two points the next one is a good example of HDR or the lack of it I'm not too enthusiastic about what the ultra wide cameras of iPhones do in terms of dynamic range and I would often see this in comparisons. 

we did with the iPhone 13 as well while the s23 did a better job in that regard my face looks way more natural and unfiltered on the pixel 7 giving it the only three points we'll be seeing the same blown out sky in the next image. 

which also causes my hair to kind of disappear the iPhone will lose a point here as the last image will be going the way of Google once again the sky is too blue and dark on the s23 and the shape of my head is pretty warped on iPhone 14. 

leaving them with two points each a good performance by the pixel 7's Ultra wide camera will grant it the first place finish as the s23 comes in second now it's time to talk about the problem with the iPhone that I mentioned in the intro. 

the pro versions of their phones have what's called a lidar scanner this enables the phone to create accurate and Fast 3D representations of close range objects and environments the base versions don't have this feature.

laser autofocus like on the s23 ultra and the pixel 7 Pro is also really good but Google is the only one to leave this feature on the base version as well so hats off to them this is why the iPhone 14's portrait mode is honestly underperforming due to abysmal Edge detection look. 

at the area around my head on the first image and don't be surprised that while Google and Samsung get three points each Apple only gets one in the second image there's a guy behind my ear on the iPhone who is completely unblurred which is an annoying detail. 

the less aggressive bokeh and sharpness will give the Galaxy 3 points while the pixel takes two the next image is pretty much a slam dunk with one minor issue Google's Azure section algorithm is not as advanced as the other two and that's where you see issues like. 

the small space next to my left arm being on blurred it's still a nice photo so we'll get two points as the others get three each. so just for clarification when I say not as advanced I'm talking about the highest versions of these flagships. 

the main reason the iPhone is performing worse is because it doesn't have the lidar sensor in the base version which, I'm going to explain at the end of this category so keep watching image number four is what I wanted the previous image to be like. 

Galaxy S23 vs iphone 14 vs Pixel 7 - Camera Comparison Test

they all look fine so I have no qualms about passing around three points each as I move on to number five I like the performance that all the devices are showing in these last couple of photos so full marks over here as well. 

the next image is bringing back the pain though as there are a ton of errors on Apple's side the space between my arm and my body around my neck around my left shoulder it's just too much Google and Samsung overall perform better here. 

I'm going to repeat that comment for image number seven once again the lack of the lidar scanner is causing issues for the iPhone 14. the s23's image looks cleaner than the pixel 7s though so three and two points respectively last image is a bit too dark on Google's side.

my hair doesn't look the most appealing due to slightly worse quality detection the other two will get three points each so the Samsung Galaxy s23 passed with flying colors getting perfect points interestingly enough I'm usually very impressed with what Apple's lidar. 

technology can do in our comparison of the highest tier versions of these phones this is what we got from the iPhone 14 pro notice how the software applies a shallow depth of field by blurring my arms with the help of the 3D lidar sensor understanding. 

the distance between the focus object which is my face and my other body parts this is a common feat that we also enjoyed in the 13 Pro but it's one that we're missing on the base version of the newest iPhone. 

which caused some issues during the portrait mode category regardless there is one thing that iPhones excel at even if there's a lidar sensor or not their videos are almost always bright crisp and clean that's not to say the other two aren't pretty good either. 

apple is once again doing a bit better when it comes to things like brightness and Clarity especially when the subject isn't close to the camera the closer you get the less the quality. on this one along with apple as Google is a little too dark losing out on one point as for shooting videos in 8k Google doesn't see.

fit to include this mode in their newest Flagship just yet maybe we'll see this in the pixel 8. interestingly enough Apple also doesn't think it's necessary to have an 8K mode on their phone but, I'm pretty sure they will also include it. 

soon Samsung on the other hand first showed us 8K on the s20 series it wasn't that good back then but they've slowly improved it over the years to achieve this amazing quality we have on the s23 ultra because of improvements to their video quality as well as their 8K. 

the s23 ultra is the overall winner here but I will remind you that if you only shoot 4K then the iPhone is still going to be slightly better that being said there is one more mode that a lot of viewers wanted us to take a look at once again,

so why not cinematic video or in other words porch video is usually hands down the best on the iPhone however with the lack of a lidar sensor it also does struggle little still I like how the background blur changes. 

the more I approach the camera in typical Apple fashion while it stays, the same on the other two I'll still give the higher ratings to Samsung and Apple as Google software. thankyou for reading my artical and share it with your friends.

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